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Naming and Indexicality


Gregory Bochner, Naming and Indexicality, Cambridge University Press (Collection: Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics), 2021, 286 p.


How do words stand for things? Taking ideas from philosophical semantics and pragmatics, this book offers a unique, detailed, and critical survey of central debates concerning linguistic reference in the twentieth century. It then uses the survey to identify and argue for a novel version of current 'two-dimensional' theories of meaning, which generalise the context-dependency of indexical expressions.

It clearly introduces technical semantical notions, theses, and arguments, with easy-to-follow, step-by-step guides. Wide-ranging in its scope, yet offering an accessible route into literature that can seem complex and technical, this will be essential reading for advanced students, and academic researchers in semantics, pragmatics, and philosophy of language.

More information (see editor's website)

Essential Indexicality
01 September 2018 - 30 June 2019
Gregory Bochner
Gregory Bochner