Claiming the common good? Local ressources, culture of possession and social bodies in the Old Regime

21 jan 2020 10:00 - 13:00

Angelo Torre, 2019-2020 Paris IAS Fellow, presents his research project at the weekly internal seminar.

What were really the commons? Were they expressions of backward agriculture or naive communal solidarity? New insights by legal history, historical ecology, social anthropology and spatial history suggest that they were ‘local resources’ through which local citizenship
and competence could be claimed through action. The concept of commons helps us to rethink local societies and their inner power dynamics.

This presentation will be discussed by Alain Mahé, lecturer at the EHESS, member of the Centre for the Study of Social Movements.

Claiming the common good? Local resources, culture of possession and social bodies in the Old Régime
01 September 2019 - 30 June 2020
21 Jan 2020 13:00
Angelo Torre
News of the institute
Modern period (1492-1789)
Western Europe