People, polarization, and populism

29 mar 2022 16:00 - 17:30

Talk by Susan Clayton, 2021-2022 Paris IAS Fellow, as part of the "Energy Transition Conference" organized by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Transition policies run the risk of moving faster than people’s capacity for change. How can transitions prevent/not reinforce injustices? What is the role of media and education in the current transition debate?

Media seems forced to compete for attention by polarizing, focusing on personalities before situations, exaggerating, and using other distortion-tools to succeed in a information-rich society. Then, how do you get everyone on board for an energy transition; Do we even want that, and is it possible? How do we adress those that aren't on board.

Speakers and panelists will discuss the feasibility for the transition and change of mindset, citizen engagement and trust in science, alignment of political objectives and democratic choice


Exploring perceived connections between environmental and social issues
01 September 2021 - 30 June 2022
29 Mar 2022 17:30
Susan Clayton
Talks and lectures