Epicurean phantasia

31 mar 2017 14:30 - 17:00
Université Paris-Sorbonne
Maison de la recherche
salle D116
28 rue Serpente
75006 Paris

Lecture by David Konstan (Paris IAS fellow) within the framework of the seminar of Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy : "Phantasia et imagination dans la philosophie hellénistique et romaine", organized by Juliette Dross (EA 4081, Rome et ses renaissances), Jean-Baptiste Gourinat (UMR 8061, Centre Léon Robin), Charlotte Murgier (EA4395, Lettres, Idées, Savoirs), Christelle Veillard (EA373, Institut de Recherches Philosophiques).

On the Margins of Love: Gratitude, Loyalty, and Altruism in the Classical World – and Beyond
01 February 2017 - 30 June 2017
31 Mar 2017 17:00
David Konstan
Talks and lectures
Antiquity (3500 BCE – 476 CE)
Western Europe
Classical studies