Magia Naturalis e Scientia Cabalae in Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola


Flavia Buzzetta, Magia Naturalis e Scientia Cabalae in Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, Florence, Olschki, 2019, 344 p.

About the book

This study aims to reconstruct the salient features of a coherent and homogeneous theory of magic in its relations with the kabbalah in the thought of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. Through an examination of the works written between 1485 and 1487, we highlight the central role that the magic naturalis and the scientia cabalae have assumed in the reflections of Mirandolano and in his project to define a universal knowledge, seen in the "symphonic" plurality of its convergent expressions. By identifying the pars practica scientiae cabalae as the element that provides specificity and originality to the philosophy of Pico's magic, we can see how cabbalistic knowledge in its practical aspects and magic in its contemplative purpose contribute to realizing man's potential in view of a spiritual elevation and an improvement of his nature. Considered in this way, magic and Kabbalah present themselves as two transfiguring wisdoms that constitute the two sides of a path capable of leading the wise person to access the secreted nature and the secreted Gods.

More information (publisher's website)


Kabbalah Translated into Italian and French During the 16th century. Comparative codicology study on the influence of the hebrew mysticism on Italian and French Humanism
01 October 2015 - 30 June 2016
Flavia Buzzetta
Religious studies
Middle ages
Western Europe
Flavia Buzzetta