Accueil / Résidents / Il risveglio della coscienza ermeneutica nella penalistica contemporanea

Il risveglio della coscienza ermeneutica nella penalistica contemporanea


Massimo Vogliotti, "Risveglio della coscienza ermeneutica nella penalistica contemporanea",dans Rivista di filosofia del diritto, n°1, 2015, p. 89-106.


In continental Europe, modern criminal law has been built on the foundations of legality and the exclusion of judicial lawmaking. Its genetic code is thus incompatible with legal hermeneutics, which puts the judicial application of law at center stage and claims a constitutive role for interpretation. The author retraces the difficult and agonizing path along which the Italian criminal law community has opened up to hermeneutics in recent years, laying the groundwork for constructing a new scientific paradigm.


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Quelle formation juridique aujourd'hui?
01 octobre 2014 - 30 juin 2015
30 juin 2015
Massimo Vogliotti
Époque contemporaine (1789-...)
Europe occidentale
Massimo Vogliotti