Accueil / Evénements / Developing roadmaps for sustainable nitrogen management

Developing roadmaps for sustainable nitrogen management

18 mai 2022 09:00 - 20 mai 2022 14:00
IEA de Paris
17 Quai d'Anjou
75004 Paris

Workshop organisé par David Kanter, chercheur en études environnementales, résident 2021-2022 de l'IEA de Paris et Wilfried Winiwarter, IIASA, avec le soutien de l'INMS, de l'OECD Conference Research Programme, de l'IEA de Paris, du programme FIAS et du Labex RFIEA+.

Le programme FIAS est cofinancé par le programme de recherche et d'innovation Horizon 2020 de l'Union européenne dans le cadre de la convention de subvention Marie Skłodowska-Curie n° 945408. Cet événement bénéficie également du soutien du LABEX RFIEA+ au titre du programme des Investissements d'avenir (contrat ANR-11-LABX-0027-01).

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Public and political awareness of the dangers of nitrogen pollution are increasing rapidly. A growing number of countries are committed to improving nitrogen management, including the implementation of sustainable nitrogen roadmaps to reduce nitrogen waste by 50% by 2030, as outlined in the Colombo Declaration and the EU Farm to Fork Strategy. But what will these roadmaps look like? What policies and measures to address N pollution have already shown to be successful in different parts of the world and what new approaches could match the ambition embodied in new policy goals? This workshop will bring together an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars, stakeholders and policy experts to explore these questions and propose a coherent approach for developing national roadmaps for sustainable nitrogen management.


Mercredi 18 mai

9h00-10h00: Accueil et introduction

  • 9h00-9h10: Accueil par les organisateurs et l'Institut d'études avancées de Paris
  • 9h10-9h25: Ms. Janet Schofield (OECD, France)
    “The OECD Co-operative Research Programme”
  • 9h25-9h45: Prof. David Kanter (NYU, USA)
    “Overview and goals of the workshop”

9h45-13h00: Lessons from current national policy

  • 9h45-10h00: Dr. Kazuya Nishina (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan)
    “Japan’s policies to limit nitrogen pollution”
  • 10h00-10h15: Prof. Jan Willem Erisman (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
    “The Netherlands nitrogen crisis”
  • 10h15-10h30: Mr. Markus Geupel (German Environment Agency) & Dr. Stefanie Wolter (German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection)
    “Germany’s national nitrogen strategy”
  • 10h30-10h45: Dr. Annie Yang (University of Edinburgh, UK)
    “Policies to reduce nitrogen pollution in South Asia”
  • 10h45-11h00: Discussion

11h00-11h15: Pause

  • 11h15-11h30: Ms. Fanny Héraud (Ministry of Agriculture, France)
    “France’s policies to limit nitrogen pollution”
  • 11h30-11h45: Dr. Gisleine Cunha-Zeri (National Institute for Space Research, Brazil)
    “Brazil’s policies to limit nitrogen pollution”
  • 11h45-12h00: Dr. Morten Graversgaard (Aarhus University, Denmark)
    “Denmark’s policies to limit nitrogen pollution”
  • 12h00-12h15: Ms. Sabina Stefanache & Mr. Mihai Constantinescu (Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Romania)
    “Romania’s policies to limit nitrogen pollution”
  • 12h15-12h30: Dr. Anna Hooper (Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, New Zealand)
    “New Zealand’s policies to limit nitrogen pollution”
  • 12h30-13h00: Discussion

14h00-15h15: Policy developments on the horizon

  • 14h00-14h15: Dr. Tassos Haniotis (DG Agriculture, EU Commission, Belgium) “Nitrogen and the EU Farm to Fork Strategy”
  • 14h15-14h30: Prof. Eric Davidson (University of Maryland, USA)
    “Potential US roadmaps to limit nitrogen pollution”
  • 14h30-14h45: Dylan Chiasson & Jémilie Jaffart (Sciences Po, France)
    “New directions for nitrogen policy in Brittany”
  • 14h45-15h15: Discussion

15h15-15h30: Pause

 15h30-17h30: Learning from developments in the natural and social sciences

  • 15h30-15h45: Prof. Xin Zhang (University of Maryland, USA)
    “Data for nitrogen roadmaps”
  • 15h45-16h00: Prof. William San Martín (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA) “What the environmental governance literature can tell us about nitrogen roadmaps”
  • 16h00-16h15: Dr. Lena Schulte-Uebbing (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands)
    “Reconciling food and environment goals in nitrogen roadmaps”
  • 16h15-17h30: Discussion et aperçu du jour 2

17h30-19h00: Cocktail

Jeudi 19 mai (inscriptions sur demande)

9h00-9h45: Récap du premier jour. Pistes de réflexion pour les discussions des groupes

09h45-10h45: Séance 1 en petits groupes

10h45-11h15: Retour, mise en commun et discussion

11h15-11h30: Pause

11h30-12h30: Séance 2 en petits groupes

12h30-13h00: Retour, mise en commun et discussion

13h00-14h00: Déjeuner

14h00-15h15: Lessons from current international policy

  • 14h00-14h20: Prof. Mark Sutton & Ms. Janaki Amartunge (Center for Ecology and Hydrology, UK; Ministry of Environment, Sri Lanka)
    “Recent advances in international nitrogen governance”
  • 14h20-14h35 Mr. Mahesh Pradhan & Ms. Sinikinesh Jimma (UN Environment Programme)
    “The UNEA Nitrogen Resolutions”
  • 14h35-14h50 Dr. Bruna Grizzetti (JRC)
    “Lessons from EU water policy for nitrogen roadmaps”
  • 14h50-15h15: Discussion

15h15-15h30: Pause

15h30-17h00: Séance 3 en petits groupes

17h00-18h00: Retour, mise en commun et définition du jour 3

Vendredi 20 mai (inscription sur demande)

9h00-9h30: Récap du jour 2. Elaboration des nouvelles réflexions pour les groupes de discussion

9h30-10h30: Séance 4 en petits groupes

10h30-11h00: Retour, mise en commun

11h00-11h15: Pause

11h15-12h15: Séance 5 en petits groupes

12h15-13h00: Discussion finale (prochaines avancées, diffusion, stratégie de publication)

13h00-14h00: Déjeuner

Informations pratiques

Pour les séances du mercredi 18, inscription obligatoire via les formulaires en bas de page. Pour celles du jeudi 19 et vendredi 20 inscription sur demande auprès de

Date dépassée
Réglementer la pollution par les nutriments au-delà des agriculteurs
01 septembre 2021 - 30 juin 2022
20 Mai 2022 14:00
David Kanter
Colloques et journées d’étude