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History is Done : Thomas Merton's Figures of Apocalypse


Mary Bryden, " 'History is Done' : Thomas Merton's Figures of Apocalypse", dans Eric Tonning, Matthew Feldman et David Addyman (éd.), Modernism, Christianity and Apocalypse, Amsterdam, Brill, 2014, p. 321-38.

Présentation de l'ouvrage

Modernism, Christianity and Apocalypse stages an encounter between the fields of ‘Modernism and Christianity’ and ‘Apocalypse Studies’. The modernist impulse to ‘make it new’, to transform and reform culture, is an incipiently apocalyptic one, poised between imaginative representations of an Old Era or civilization and the experimental promise of the New. Christianity figures in formative tension with the ‘new’, but its apocalyptic paradigms continued to impact modernist visions of cultural revitalization.

In three sections tracing a rough chronology from the late nineteenth century fin de siècle, via interwar conflicts and the rise of ‘political religions’, to post-1945 anxieties such as the Bomb, this thematic is explored in nineteen far-ranging scholarly contributions, outlining a distinctive and fresh interdisciplinary field of study.

Présentation de l'ouvrage (sur le site de l'éditeur)

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